Fer Mamla Gadbad Gadbad is Below Average at the Box-Office
Fer Mamla Gadbad Gadbad is Below Average at the Box-Office

Fer Mamla Gadbad Gadbad, which released on July 12, 2013 has under performed at the box-office despite of huge efforts made in the promotions and a ‘Hit Music’. Below is the Weekly Territorial Breakdown for the film:

Week 1: Rs 1,70,00,000

Week 2: Rs 97,00,000

Week 3: Rs 8,00,000 (First 3 Days only)

Total: Rs 2,75,00,000

At the most the film can finish at 2.85 Cr. to 2.90 Cr. and Overseas and Delhi/UP would add another Rs 1-1.15 Cr. which is not going to help the film’s cause and in the end the makers will lose their money.

Even the Overseas Territories haven’t gone in favour of this film and the film has collected around Rs. 1 Crore Total in overseas market.

The film has proven to be a Money Loser for PTC Motion Pictures who made their debut in Production with this film. However, the only ones to gain from this project are Dashmesh Movies who were the actual producers for this film. PTC Motion Pictures, later on bursted into the scene and paid a whooping Rs. 50 Lakhs above the production cost to Dashmesh Movies to buy-out the film.