Human beings inspire an artiste: A.R. Rahman
Human beings inspire an artiste: A.R. Rahman

Award winning composer A.R. Rahman says an artiste is always inspired by human beings and what they go through.

Rahman has come up with a 19-minute music piece titled “The flying lotus”, based on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government’s move to demonetise high value currency notes.

In a Twitter question and answer session, Rahman was asked whether artistes should react or stay away from reacting to issues around them.

The Grammy and Oscar winner responded via a video: “As an artiste, it will be insensitive to really say that I am immune to everything, and I don’t see everything. I could be on a separate universe but what inspires an artiste are human beings, people like you and to reflect that it’s very inevitable.

“You can’t just ignore anything, but at the same time if everybody reflects that, then (there will be) only chaos, and artists should have their own zone. So it’s always challenging… You know even from the past, painters, composers and artistes have always taken something which is raw and made it beautiful and that is my humble attempt in ‘The flying lotus’.”

Rahman said his idea behind the piece was to bring out a musical expression inspired by the “extraordinary praises” and the “inconvenience” that followed the demonetisation move last year.