Live Review: Rupinder Gandhi the gangster, Punjabi Movie
Live Review: Rupinder Gandhi the gangster, Punjabi Movie

Live Review of Punjabi Film Rupinder Gandhi The Gangster starring Dev Kharoud, Kul Sidhu. Directed by Tarn Mann.

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4:38 PM
Welcome to the live review of Punjabi Film Rupinder Gandhi the gangster..? We are in a multiplex in Chandigarh with some odd 40 people in an audi which can accommodate 200. All of them are men. Should be fun!

4:39 PM
If the film turns out to be good, we can see some hooting and cheering from the crowd.

4:40 PM
The films starts with a disclaimer against smoking and drinking.

4:41 PM
The film is a biopic on Sarpanch Rupinder Singh Gandhi, who died in the year 2003.

4:44 PM
The story is set in 2000 in Malerkotla, Punjab.

4:52 PM
Story and screenplay looks good. Looks like it’s going to be a good film.

4:52 PM
But technicall it’s not strong. Anyhow if it’s  a good story technical things can be excused.

4:53 PM
Comedy wise too the film is looking good so far.

5:00 PM
The character of Bhola is quite funny.

Dev Kahroud is also a fine actor. Sadda Haq proved his worth as an actor and Rupinder Gandhi might just be another one in the list.

5:06 PM
Hooting by audience on the Chandigarh song by Veet Baljit. Surely the film is building some interest of 60 odd people present in the audi.

5:10 PM
Time for another song, Dil by Labh Janjua.

5:22 PM
Youth audience is pretty much liking the film. There’s been a lot of hooting.

5:22 PM
Should remind the viewers of their college days.

5:30 PM
If you ignore the technical aspects, Rupinder Gandhi till now is a good film to watch as we are nearing the interval.

5:31 PM
Much of the cast which is pretty unknown delivers a good performance.

5:31 PM
Much  much better than view of the overrated films of the year like Faraar and Sardaarji.

5:33 PM
After making 3-4 miss and blink appearances, Kul Sidhu finally gets her first scene in the film.

5:53 PM
It’s interval time. And so far the film has been enjoyable. People are not disappointed.

5:54 PM
Frankly, I haven’t seen so much enthusiastic crowd in a non-starrer film till date, at least for a Punjabi Film.

6:28 PM
As usual, second half plays the villain. The film hasn’t been able to gather the same momentum as it built in the first half.

6:29 PM
Till now barring a scene or two the momentum level has gone downwards.

6:46 PM
We are nearing the climax, So far there hasn’t been any hooting by the audience in the second half.

6:47 PM
And guess what? We haven’t seen even a glimpse of Kul Sidhu, the lead actress of the film in the second half.

6:47  PM
Her name could’ve been in the guest appearance instead of being shown as the main lead actress.

6:55 PM
Just finished with the movie. I feel this as an abrupt end to the film. Not sensible for the part of the director.

6:56 PM
I mean what hapens to the other remaning characters.

6:56 PM
And are we getting a sequel here or what?

6:56 PM
What about the narrator? How does he end this story telling session?

6:57 PM
Overall Rupinder Gandhi The Gangster? has been good in parts. Especially the first half was pretty entertaining.

6:58 PM
In the second half the film lost a bit of momentum. God why did you make intervals.