Movie Review: Sajjan The Real Friend Punjabi Movie
Movie Review: Sajjan The Real Friend Punjabi Movie

Sajjan is the second movie of Punjabi singer turned actor KS Makhan. The movie revolves around Sajjan (KS Makhan), a Punjabi youth living in a village, who shifts to Canada after marrying a Canadian citizen Jassi (Simran Sachdeva). However Jassi’s mother gets angry to see her daughter married to a villager. She tries to separate them and eventually succeeds. Homeless Sajjan finds shelter at another Punjabi, Jack’s house who actually is a mafia. Jack brings Sajjan to the Mafia world where he gets in rivalry with another mafia.

The story of the movie makes no sense in real. There is no logic in the story, which takes it far from reality. It seems dragged at all the points. In simple words it’s baseless.

The direction by Sunil Taneja too is average. He has tried to create a Canada in Punjab, but has failed miserably in his attempt. The fact that the shots meant to be taken in Canada are actually taken in Punjab, is disturbing. Moreover the blurred videos of Canada make things worse. The dialogue delivery of the mafias sounds weird. The screenplay of the movie is also not smooth. Things happen very swift in the movie, before you could actually understand them.

The movie features an item number as well and that too in Hindi. Might be that will be the only delight for KS Makhan’s fans, to hear him singing a Hindi number. The music all together is average.

Acting is another weak pillar of the movie. KS Makhan fails to impress as an actor. The other co-stars too are not impressive. One can easily sense that they are faking. They don’t look natural and are way far from appealing audiences.

All in all Sajjan is a disaster on screen. Frankly speaking Sajjan is a movie of KS Makhan, by KS Makhan and for KS Makhan. Only his die-hard fans can enjoy it. The movie is worth not a single watch.