Bollywood actress Neha Dhupia recently honored her late father-in-law, legendary cricketer Bishan Singh Bedi, through an emotional and deeply personal gesture. Neha shared a treasured moment on Instagram, revealing how she wore Bedi’s iconic vintage Indian cricket sweater to a Test match, a piece of memorabilia that holds both historical and sentimental value for her family.
Recalling the significance of the sweater, Neha shared, “Wearing this sweater has a different kind of warmth. I remember so clearly when Dad asked what I’d like as a wedding present, and I told him I wanted his Test cricket sweater. It felt like the most special gift he could give me, and he graciously agreed. This sweater carries not just his legacy but also his strength, resilience, integrity, and generosity.”
The sweater, worn by Bishan Singh Bedi during his illustrious cricket career, now serves as a cherished family heirloom. Neha chose to don the sweater while attending her first live Test match during the ongoing India vs. Australia series, accompanied by her husband, actor Angad Bedi.
Reflecting on the emotional moment, Neha added, “This sweater is more than just a garment—it’s a piece of history. It embodies the spirit and legacy of Indian cricket and serves as a constant reminder of the passion and grace with which Dad played the game. Wearing it fills me with pride and nostalgia, especially as we continue to miss him every day.”
The former cricketer and Indian team captain Bishan Singh Bedi, widely regarded as one of the finest left-arm spinners in cricket history, passed away on October 23, 2023, following a prolonged battle with age-related health issues. His death left an indelible void in the cricketing world and his family.
Neha’s tribute also included a heartfelt acknowledgment of the sweater as her wedding gift. She wrote, “When I married Angad, I had my heart set on this particular piece of memorabilia. It’s not just a sweater—it’s a symbol of resilience, excellence, and Dad’s eternal connection to the sport he loved so much.”