Saif Ali Khan Attack News: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times during a burglary attempt at his Bandra residence early Thursday morning. The intruder attacked Saif during a confrontation, leaving him with six knife wounds, including one dangerously close to his spinal cord. The actor was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he is undergoing surgery and is said to be out of danger.
According to police reports, the incident occurred at approximately 2:30 am. The intruder managed to enter Saif’s home, resulting in a violent altercation between the two. Saif’s wife Kareena Kapoor Khan and their children Taimur and Jeh were present during the incident but were unharmed.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Dixit Gedam stated, “An unidentified person intruded into Saif Ali Khan’s home and attacked him during a scuffle. We have launched an investigation and are working to trace the accused.”
In a statement, Saif’s team confirmed the attack, requesting privacy while assuring fans and media that the actor is receiving the best medical care.
Doctors at Lilavati Hospital revealed that Saif had six stab wounds, with two deep cuts requiring immediate surgical intervention. “One of the injuries was dangerously close to the spinal cord. Our team is working to ensure his recovery,” said Dr. Uttamani, a senior surgeon at the hospital.
This shocking attack comes in the wake of heightened security concerns for Bollywood stars, following an incident involving gunshots outside Salman Khan’s residence months ago. Police are investigating the motive behind the attack and have intensified efforts to apprehend the suspect.
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