Spiritual wellness is the need of the hour
Spiritual wellness is the need of the hour

In the times when fear, concern, and panic have gripped mankind due to the spread of coronavirus, the need for spiritual well-being has grown even more. The pandemic has not only impacted humans physically, mentally, or emotionally, but it has also affected them spiritually. It has caused soul-sickness among people stuck inside their homes.

However, in these unprecedented times, Divya Channel, the leading spiritual music channel, has been playing a significant role by offering to its viewers the content that nourishes their souls and inspires them to sail through the tough times.

The morning and the evening aartis of the Hindu gods and goddesses besides the rendition of Japji Sahib, Kirtan Darbar, and Simran Sadhna on the channel have been helpful in enhancing people’s health and in bringing them peace of mind amid lockdown restrictions. The audiences have also been benefitting from special music chants and mantras recitation that decreases the negative thoughts and stress, thereby, calming the minds.

Divya Channel has been actively telecasting meditation sessions with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a spiritual leader and an ambassador of peace, to enable viewers to improve self-awareness and self-esteem.

Besides, the channel has been broadcasting discourses of BK Shivani, a teacher in the Brahma Kumaris spiritual movement, to help people analyze their deep-rooted emotions and reclaim health and happiness. It has also enabled people to build hope and resilience by showcasing motivational stories regularly.

Producer at Divya Channel, Meenu Khanna, said, “Spirituality is the need of the hour, and we aim to build a strong and healthy community that is mindful and conscious.”

To boost the morale of children and to incline them towards religion and spirituality, Divya Channel has been holding kids’ contests such as ‘Nanhi Kanjak’ and ‘Hanuman Chalisa Jap’ digitally and on TV.

The channel through all its endeavors has been focusing on promoting spiritual care and the well-being of people around the world. In the future as well, Divya Channel is committed to engaging its audiences into building a high-energy community through various shows and programs.