Synopsis: Nanak Shah Fakir, Hindi Movie
Synopsis: Nanak Shah Fakir, Hindi Movie

Nanak Shah Fakir, the film has been a meditation of each waking day that began as a dream I saw one particular night. Ever since then, almost each day of being on the sets has been a journey worth preserving in the vaults of memory. The extraordinary experiences have left us all overwhelmed and deeply humbled. While some have been recorded on reel, others are embedded in the heart, forever.
In one way, just calling out the name of the film (which would be numerous times in the day) felt as if the rosary beads were being rolled on the fingertips by the soul within. The film couldn’t have been made without the Almighty’s blessings.
Nanak Shah Fakir is named after and on the life and teachings of Guru Nanak. Born in 1469 A.D. Nanak traveled the world to spread the essence of ‘Ik Onkar’ (there’s but One God) as a philosophy and way of life. A philosophy that has survived and risen above the flux of conflict and time, impacting over 50 million followers worldwide and giving birth to ‘SIKHISM’ as a way of life. (‘Sikh’ signifies a disciple).
Throughout his life, Guru Nanak shared his blessings of divine knowledge through mystic and soulfully divine music. He sang to the Lord and taught us, ordinary mortals, the virtues of peace, love and harmony. Guru Nanak was referred to as ‘Shah’ by the Muslims and ‘Fakir’ by the Hindus, the highest honor given in both religions and hence came to be known as ‘Nanak Shah Fakir’.