Day One Response: Pooja Kiven Aa Punjabi Movie
Day One Response: Pooja Kiven Aa Punjabi Movie

Punjabi Movies are doing good now a days. But that doesn’t makes make anything and present it. Same was the case with Pooja Kiven Aa, who got a mild response on Day one. Firstly the multiplexes didn’t show much interest in the movie. On an average 3 shows were running in a day for the movie and these shows too didn’t get much response.

Team Punjabi Mania visited Multiplexes and found the shows had less than 20% occupancy. And out of these 20 percent people most were the die hard fans of Miss Pooja.

Punjabi Mania predicts that the movie will do no good in the coming days. The movie has no potential and the Punjabi Audience is definitely gonna disapprove the movie.