Angry crowd hurls Bottles, shoes at Miss Pooja during Promotion of Pooja Kiven Aa
Angry crowd hurls Bottles, shoes at Miss Pooja during Promotion of Pooja Kiven Aa

In what was supposed to be a promotional event for Punjabi movie Pooja Kiven Aa turned out to be protests from angry crowd. Miss Pooja the lead actress of the movie was in Abhishek Poly-technic College, Abohar for the promotions. After the welcome by College Authorities, she came to stage and after singing one-two songs she tried to leave, which fumed the crowd.

Punjabi Mania has learnt that Miss Pooja was unhappy with the less turnout at the college. So after singing one two songs, she gave the mic to one of her assistants, who started lewd comments. Sensing that Miss Pooja is leaving the crowd fumed and started hurling water bottles, shoes at her. Miss Pooja however with the help of her bodyguards saved herself by getting into her car.

Police had to use a little force to safely evacuate her.