Amrinder Gill is very sincere about work: Amberdeep Singh
Amrinder Gill is very sincere about work: Amberdeep Singh

Amberdeep Singh is one of the few storywriters of Punjabi Film Industry who enjoy the limelight. Having worked in several projects, Amber is greatly recognised for writing Goreyan Nu Daffa Karo and Angrej. And now he is ready for the release of his next film, Love Punjab.

Punjabi Mania interviewed him for his upcoming film.

First of all tell us about your movie Love Punjab?
Love Punjab is all about Punjab, the situation in our state and the relations here. There can be improvements in both the spheres. And the film is related to it.

Tell us about the starcast of the film?
It’s Amrinder Gill, Sargun Mehta, Yograj Singh, Nirmal Rishi, Binnu Dhillon, Rana Ranbir in the starcast.

But Amber we do see you in the trailer as well. How much are you involved in the film as an actor?
Wait..Did I forget to mention myself in the starcast? (laughs) No, I just have a small role in the film. Just like a small cameo, but it’s fine the character I am playing is good.

Amber you share a nice relation with Amrinder Gill. You have worked with him in many films. Recently he gifted you a car as well. So tell us more about your relation with him. How it all started?
Amrinder and I first worked together in Daddy Cool Munde Fool. I wrote the screenplay and the dialogues of the film. After that we developed a fine tuning. He liked my work, I liked his work. I liked the way he behaved on the sets. I felt he is an artist who is very sincere for his work.  But maybe he wasn’t getting something worth his potential then. And that is what hooked us together in the film industry.

We heard about a sequel of Angrej. What is the the status of that film?
We are working on the script of the movie yet. There is a surprise element in the movie. Give us some time; we will reveal it to you.

Let’s now talk about YouTube. Your film’s trailer was removed from it owing a copyright claim. What’s your take on that?
What I fell is that Social Media is a big power in itself. It helps you reach people quick and easy. You don’t have time to see television; you can get all the latest from a phone in your hand. And if someone tries to hinder you from using this power then that’s a very bad thing. Who did it, why he did it? We are still in the process to know about it. For all we know some miscreant is involved in it. And we are working to identify him.

Love Punjab was earlier releasing on March 25, 2016. But later Ambarsaria was announced on the same date. Then he heard Love Punjab release will be preponed to March 11. Interestingly another film is releasing on the same date. How would you justify moving a release date from one date to another date where there already is a film announced?
Yes, the film was announced for a release on March 25, but later we felt the film is ready and we can release it on an earlier date as well. So this is the reason. Otherwise there are many speculations about the release was moved due to Ambarsaria, but I want to clarify, we didn’t do it for any film. This was our decision and our planning.

Your last two films, Goreyan Nu Daffa Karo and Angrej had garnered huge response at the box office. How do you think Love Punjab will fare?
Our heart says we will get the same response, so do we hope. Rest we will know about on March 11. If they like it we will be more than happy. It’s all in their hands, we have worked hard on it and they will appraise us.

Amber, in modern cinema Dheeraj Rattan has been the name of a storywriter for quite some time. And you come after him. How do you find it? Does this inspire you to writer even better?
I have huge respect for Dheeraj Rattan. He in true sense helped in the revival of our cinema. We have brotherly affection for each other. And definitely I hold a responsibility. People come with huge expectations, the directors, the producers and the actors. For the same reason, I am working a bit less, to come up with something good everytime.

Tell us about your future projects?
I am working on a film to be produced by Priyanka Chopra. Rest there are many concepts which I am going through and will come up with more soon.

So would we see more of Amrinder Gill in your future projects?
Yeah, you will surely find him.

So whenever you write something. Do you think of portraying the character to that of Amrinder Gill or is it a coincidence that it always suits him?
No it’s not like that. Well it’s when me and Amrinder,  both sitback and think of making a film, I write a character keeping in mind Amrinder Gill. Rest there are more projects with more people I am working on.

Punjabi Mania wishes Amber all the best for his upcoming project.