Diljit Dosanjh Ludhiana Concert: Punjabi singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh is facing legal trouble after his performance in Ludhiana on Tuesday night, part of his Dil-Luminati India tour. A formal complaint was filed by Punditrao Dharenavar, a Chandigarh-based assistant professor, accusing the artist of singing songs that glorify alcohol consumption, despite prior warnings.
According to Dharenavar, Dosanjh performed tracks with themes of alcohol, making only slight changes to the lyrics. Songs such as Patiala Peg, 5 Taara Theke, and Case (Jeeb Vicho Feem Labbiya) have been repeatedly flagged for allegedly promoting a drinking culture.
Dharenavar voiced concerns about the influence of such songs on impressionable youth. “These songs can have a damaging impact on young minds,” he said while filing the complaint.
The controversy is not new for Diljit, who has encountered similar challenges throughout his Dil-Luminati tour. Earlier, the Telangana government issued a notice ahead of his Hyderabad concert, asking him to avoid songs promoting alcohol, drugs, or violence. His concerts in Pune and Indore also faced restrictions, with alcohol and meat being barred from the venues following protests by religious groups.
During a concert in Ahmedabad, Diljit addressed the criticism, urging the government to take action if it truly wants to discourage alcohol consumption. “If all states declare themselves dry states, I swear I will never sing about alcohol again. But is that possible? Liquor shops remained open even during the lockdown. You can't mislead the youth," he stated.
The debate over the role of popular culture in shaping societal behavior continues, with Dosanjh’s case spotlighting the fine line between creative expression and social responsibility.