Refused Navaniat twice before Shareek: Jimmy Sheirgill
Refused Navaniat twice before Shareek: Jimmy Sheirgill

At a press conference for Shareek, Jimmy Sheirgill told media that he refused Navaniat twice before the latter finally approached him for Shareek. "Navaniat came to me before as well, twice, with scripts. I said I cannot do them. I can't understand them and I didn't do them." said Jimmy addressing media. However now he is all praises for his upcoming film with Navaniat, Shareek."When he (Navaniat) approached me for Shareek, he though I will refuse it too. But after hearing the first line I said Yes. I liked the script." Jimmy was this excited about the film that he decided to grow his own beard instead of using the artificials twice. "No actor does this hard endeavours for a film. Two times I took one and half months to grwo my beard to do two schedules of the film." added Jimmy.